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This blog post was published under the 2015-2024 Conservative Administration

Basic data set - a short delay

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We posted a blog on 8 August outlining the first steps we were taking to publish a model data set for libraries. This first phase involved collecting basic data about the numbers and types of libraries which exist within each local authority in England which would then form the basis for the full model data set to be developed over the next year.

The beady eyed among you will be aware that we had intended to publish by the end of September - and it’s now the start of October! Unfortunately, the time required to chase outstanding returns, collate the responses, and quality assess the spreadsheet for publication took longer than anticipated.

Working on the data set. Photo credit: Julia Chandler/Libraries Taskforce
Working on the data set. Photo credit: Julia Chandler/Libraries Taskforce

We are still going to publish the data set, just a little later than intended. Look out for a series of posts in the next few weeks. The first will point to the data set itself and share some early visualisations of the data. Others will share lessons learned and talk about our next steps.

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