Designing Libraries

The Director of Designing Libraries, Ayub Khan, writes about library design.
Ayub has been a library professional for more than 25 years and was appointed MBE for his services to libraries in 2013.
He is the Head of Face to Face Services for Warwickshire County Council and has responsibility for a number of customer facing services, including libraries.
He is a member of the national executive board of the Society of Chief Librarians, a Board Member of IFLA's Library Buildings Committee and a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Library Professionals.
The Director of Designing Libraries, Ayub Khan, writes about library design.
Ayub Khan writes about the role libraries play in helping to reduce loneliness and social isolation, sharing examples from his libraries in Warwickshire
Ayub Khan shares ideas about how libraries might take part in the celebrations to mark 20 years since the publication of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
Ayub Khan writes about library redesign in Warwickshire, which led to the creation of a framework that is available for any library service to use.
Guest post from Ayub Khan MBE, the Celebrating Shakespeare 2016 Steering Group Chair
Showcasing new libraries in Warwickshire and Manchester
The DCMS Libraries team supports ministers, as they oversee and promote the improvement of local government's provision of public library services in England. It is also responsible for other library policy such as DCMS sponsorship of the British Library and Public Lending Right Scheme. On this blog, members of the team talk about their work. Find out more