Setting our goals

Kim Bromley-Derry sets out the Taskforce goals for 2018 and beyond
Kim Bromley-Derry is the Chief Executive of the London Borough of Newham, which was one of the host boroughs for the 2012 Olympic Games and Paralympic Games.
He joined Newham at the end of 2007 as Executive Director for Children and Young People's Services before being appointed as Chief Executive in 2010.
Kim Bromley-Derry sets out the Taskforce goals for 2018 and beyond
Kim Bromley-Derry, Chair of the Libraries Taskforce, shares his reflections on 2017 and looks ahead to a packed work programme in 2018
The DCMS Libraries team supports ministers, as they oversee and promote the improvement of local government's provision of public library services in England. It is also responsible for other library policy such as DCMS sponsorship of the British Library and Public Lending Right Scheme. On this blog, members of the team talk about their work. Find out more