Report shows need for a unifying digital presence for libraries

Report produced by Bibliocommons on behalf of SCL examines the potential for public libraries across the country to develop a single digital presence
Nick Stopforth is the Head of Libraries and Culture for Doncaster Council. He has been leading for SCL for 3 years on their Universal Digital Offer.
Report produced by Bibliocommons on behalf of SCL examines the potential for public libraries across the country to develop a single digital presence
Libraries continue to provide a very significant contribution to digital inclusivity in communities.
As mentioned in our post on 3rd November, there is a long list of activities on the digital for public library services agenda, and I wont have time to work on them all. I’m therefore really pleased that the Taskforce …
Sharon Kirkpatrick and Sue Wills' blog of 12 October highlighted the importance we place in members of the library workforce influencing the work of the Taskforce. We do this through a number of mechanisms - for example, SCL and CILIP …
The DCMS Libraries team supports ministers, as they oversee and promote the improvement of local government's provision of public library services in England. It is also responsible for other library policy such as DCMS sponsorship of the British Library and Public Lending Right Scheme. On this blog, members of the team talk about their work. Find out more