Nottinghamshire libraries modernisation programme

Peter Gaw writes about the capital programme to modernise their network of libraries.
Peter Gaw is Chief Executive Officer of Inspire: Culture, Learning and Libraries, a Community Benefit Society created to manage some of Nottinghamshire’s libraries, archives and cultural services.
Peter Gaw writes about the capital programme to modernise their network of libraries.
Peter Gaw writes about the NPO programme in Nottinghamshire, presented by Inspire
Peter Gaw invites people to a masterclass intended to support library services considering exploring alternative delivery models
The DCMS Libraries team supports ministers, as they oversee and promote the improvement of local government's provision of public library services in England. It is also responsible for other library policy such as DCMS sponsorship of the British Library and Public Lending Right Scheme. On this blog, members of the team talk about their work. Find out more