Why libraries are so keen on apprenticeships and the Kickstart scheme.

To mark National Apprentice Week, Isobel Hunter, CEO of Libraries Connected writes about how important apprentices are to libraries.
To mark National Apprentice Week, Isobel Hunter, CEO of Libraries Connected writes about how important apprentices are to libraries.
How the British Library is working in partnership through its Living Knowledge Network to support the climate change agenda.
How Hampshire Libraries are tackling climate change.
How GLL libraries are becoming more environmentally friendly
Guest author JJ Khun WIILMA Founder, writes about working with libraries and Waltham Forest council to reduce loneliness, isolation and improve mental wellbeing in the community.
Guest author Annie Crombie from BookTrust, writes about BookTrust Storytime.
The Reading Agency shares stories from libraries and participants involved in its Reading Friends programme.
Read, Talk, Share – How the Reading Agency helped libraries tackle loneliness.
Guest post from Karen Napier, Chief Executive of The Reading Agency
On 6 October, the British Library launched Reset. Restart, a new bounce back business support service. Our aim? To support small businesses and entrepreneurs in navigating their way through the pandemic towards the next normal. The new service will be …
How to run your own Makefest from the team behind Liverpool Makefest