The Big Ideas Generators project - final report

Final numbers from the BIG project, and Andrew Bailey shares his experience working in the team.
Neil is Strategic Lead – Libraries, Galleries and Culture. He is responsible for 22 libraries in the city including the recently transformed Central Library and HMP Manchester’s prison library as well as the County Record Office and City Archives.
Final numbers from the BIG project, and Andrew Bailey shares his experience working in the team.
Neil Macinnes shares an update on work done by the LOFE funded project in Greater Manchester libraries
Guest post from Neil MacInnes about closer working between the library services in Greater Manchester
Showcasing new libraries in Warwickshire and Manchester
The DCMS Libraries team supports ministers, as they oversee and promote the improvement of local government's provision of public library services in England. It is also responsible for other library policy such as DCMS sponsorship of the British Library and Public Lending Right Scheme. On this blog, members of the team talk about their work. Find out more