Today the government has set out actions to begin tackling digital exclusion, publishing first steps of a new Digital Inclusion Action Plan which includes funding for local initiatives and partnering with inclusion charity, Digital Poverty Alliance to provide laptops to …
Dave Lloyd from Coventry Libraries writes about Digital Spaces in Coventry Libraries.
Read about the role that libraries will have in the Online Media Literacy Strategy
Suffolk Libraries' Leon Paternoster writes about how they designed their own library self-service software for a better user experience
Deborah Brown from the British Standards Institute writes about their new offer for libraries.
Catherine Cooke describes how TriBorough have improved the visibility of their catalogue to internet search engines through the use of linked data, positioning the library where its users - and potential users - are.
Helen Williams and Kate McGavin introduce the #cultureisdigital project, and invite all library people to get involved.
Overview of the current digital phenomenon - and whats in it for libraries?
Guest post written by Sharon Wagg, following publication of the final report following the Tinder Foundation's project which looked at how libraries could help the digitally excluded
A report of the 'Commons are Forever' project in Newcastle, and their recent data hack: Wuthering Hacks