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This blog post was published under the 2015-2024 Conservative Administration

How will the Libraries Taskforce communicate in future?

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A photo of a laptop screen showing the Libraries Taskforce page on Arts Council England's website

We mentioned in earlier blogs that Arts Council England (the national development agency for libraries) is now taking on a number of the activities supporting the Taskforce’s work that was previously undertaken by a dedicated team within DCMS.

Arts Council England’s role in conjunction with the Taskforce partners covers:

  • helping to make the case to local and national government for continued investment in public libraries and promoting libraries to potential funders
  • supporting the development of the public library offer, and strengthening the library sector by brokering partnerships and developing skills
  • exploring the potential for new governance and delivery approaches to ensure a quality public library service for all
  • sharing good practice, case studies and other information with the library sector

More details about Arts Council England’s role can be found on its website. Arts Council England will also be handling future communications for the Taskforce. This means that you will see some changes in future.

Stay up to date with Taskforce work

For news about the Taskforce’s work on Twitter follow @ace_national and its area specific accounts (@ace_thenorth; @ace_midlands; @ace_southwest; @ace_southeast and @ace_london) or search using #LibrariesTaskforce. The @LibTaskforce account is being retired.

DCMS will continue to provide support for the Taskforce, especially by advocating to central government on behalf of libraries and leading on data work. This is in addition to other policy work it undertakes on public libraries; for example, supporting the Secretary of State on superintendence duties relating to public libraries, handling public library byelaws, working on Public Lending Right, and sponsorship of the British Library.

Meanwhile this blog will continue as the DCMS Libraries blog, covering the sort of topics listed above; and you will still be able to use it to read previous Taskforce blogs already on the site.

If you subscribed to the Libraries Taskforce already you don’t have to do anything; if not you can subscribe by signing up for updates (on the right hand side of the page).

Find out more

You can find out more by reading the Taskforce’s publications, progress reports and toolkits to date on GOV.UK or having a look at Arts Council research and publications.

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1 comment

  1. Comment by Raul Ganteng posted on

    very great explanation, and easy to understand