30 projects, 46 library services: what did we learn?

Celebrating the completion of projects funded by Libraries: Opportunities for Everyone, presenting the evaluation report and hearing about legacy.
Celebrating the completion of projects funded by Libraries: Opportunities for Everyone, presenting the evaluation report and hearing about legacy.
A roundup of the tips and experience shared at our recent series of workshops, plus links to the full slide sets and supporting material
An update on the work of the peer support network with links to their blogs, training programme and conference.
New applying for funding masterclasses from the Taskforce running in February and March - focusing on supporting services who want to apply for non-Arts Council funding.
Lee Hemsworth, Chief Officer for Customer Access at Leeds City Council, shares Leeds’ perspective on strategic planning
A report of the masterclass held in Beeston library - includes slides of the presentations
Second part of the full report of the recent Taskforce masterclasses. This post looks at the benchmarking framework.
A full report of the recent Taskforce masterclasses. This post looks in detail at the new evidence-based planning toolkit. A post will follow tomorrow on the benchmarking framework.
Peter Gaw invites people to a masterclass intended to support library services considering exploring alternative delivery models
As we approach the first anniversary of publication of our strategy, we'd like your views on what we've been doing. This short post links to a survey.