12th year of the East Sussex Children’s Book Award

Chloe Williams writes about the involvement of schools, children and authors in this years event.
Chloe Williams writes about the involvement of schools, children and authors in this years event.
An update on an earlier blog post, which links to the finished research report into the value of reading groups
Bracknell Forest Council's Director of Environment, Culture and Communities writes about changes made to their original plans, following consultation
Publication of the Libraries Taskforce's list of contents for the core dataset for libraries.
Jo describes the project, which works with young girls in Northamptonshire libraries
The Local Government Association's Ian Leete writes about their recent annual conference, and where the spotlight shone on libraries.
Helen Williams and Kate McGavin introduce the #cultureisdigital project, and invite all library people to get involved.
Anne Lovely writes for us about the new library in Moulton, a large village about 5 miles north of Northampton town centre.
Dr Shelley Trower writes about her research project the role of reading across people's' life spans, which includes interviews with members of reading groups in libraries.
Luke Stevens-Burt introduces the work on apprenticeships that CILIP is facilitating.