Bump Booster - new toolkit to help staff support parents-to-be

Bump Booster is a new online resource developed for ASCEL to help library staff support parents-to-be
Bump Booster is a new online resource developed for ASCEL to help library staff support parents-to-be
Chloe Williams writes about the involvement of schools, children and authors in this years event.
An update on an earlier blog post, which links to the finished research report into the value of reading groups
Dr Shelley Trower writes about her research project the role of reading across people's' life spans, which includes interviews with members of reading groups in libraries.
Introducing Plymouth Libraries 'Libraries Opportunities for Everyone' funded project
A Speech and Language Therapy Service and a Schools Library Service working together in St Helens.
Guest post written by Tiffany Haigh, Librarian for Kirklees Libraries about the evolution of storywalks over the last 9 years in Kirklees
Guest post was written following Kathy Settle’s attendance at an event at the Library of Birmingham last month, where Nyanda read some of her library and reading related poetry.
Guest post from BookTrust's Gemma Malley, who writes about her personal experience, and the programmes BookTrust run
Dr Jane Davis, founder and director of The Reader writes about a different sort of reading group