J.R.R. Tolkien in Staffordshire: touring exhibition
Scott Whitehouse writes about the award winning Tolkien in Staffordshire touring exhibition
Scott Whitehouse writes about the award winning Tolkien in Staffordshire touring exhibition
The Carnegie Trust’s Rachel Heydecker reports on 3 of the projects running as part of the Engaging Libraries programme
An update on East Sussex libraries LOFE programme
Alan Ward builds on the experience learned from his time as writer in residence in Hastings
Read more about the collaboration between Poet in the City, and the British Library's Living Knowledge Network
Darren Edwards shares his expertise on games in libraries - includes a shopping list and lots of practical tips
Reflections on the recent exhibition in the British Library and at other libraries around the country
Nominet would like to see their free guides made available to small businesses - and see libraries as a good route to reach them
Libraries Unlimited’s Daniel Clark writes about their NPO programme - another in our series to introduce the 6 library services in the Arts Council England portfolio
Kathryn Boothroyd writes about the NPO programme planned in St Helens libraries