Tablet loans in Leeds

Ian McArdle, acting Digital Engagement Librarian for Leeds Libraries, writes about their project to loan tablets to community organisations throughout Leeds and work with them directly to boost digital inclusion
Ian McArdle, acting Digital Engagement Librarian for Leeds Libraries, writes about their project to loan tablets to community organisations throughout Leeds and work with them directly to boost digital inclusion
Isabel Oswell, Head of Business Audiences at the British Library, writes about Start-up day 2017.
The LGA's Ian Leete introduces a a benchmarking framework to support library services to identify their strengths and weaknesses, assess themselves against recognised good practice, and deliver continuous improvement
A report on the recent makerspaces masterclass, held in Leeds central library.
Dominic Sacco writes about the esports project in Maida Vale library.
Mandy Berry, CEO of Cinegi Arts&Film writes about a project that can transform a library into a pop-up cinema for special events or regular screenings
Islington libraries used the opportunity offered by an international event to promote libraries to an audience who might not associate their local library with comics/graphic novels.
A response from the Taskforce to the SERIO research
Written by Lee Richards, Senior Research Manager, SERIO, who was commissioned to conduct a national research project to understand more about how community managed libraries operate.
Erik Boekesteijn writes about his involvement with preparatory work as Storyhouse was developed