People and activities in Leeds libraries

Liam Garnett shares stories from frontline staff in Leeds community libraries
Liam Garnett shares stories from frontline staff in Leeds community libraries
Dionne writes about her work in Bradford libraries
Round up of CILIP's Public and Mobile Libraries group (PMLG) biennial conference - #Chances4Life, aiming to show how public libraries support social, digital and economic inclusion.
Waseem Hafiz reports the staff conference held by Buckinghamshire libraries
Guest blog post by Jacquie Widdowson, Chair of CILIP’s Public and Mobile Library Group, following their annual conference and award ceremony
Guest post from Jacqueline Widdowson, Chair of the Public and Mobile Libraries Group: On 9th October 2015, three outstanding public library staff received recognition for their achievements, at the Public and Mobile Libraries Group conference Awards Dinner.