Library news
Simon Erridge, Director at Bennetts Associates Architects, writes about his work on Storyhouse, the building which was officially opened by the Queen and the Duchess of Sussex in June 2018
Following the introduction from Arts Council England about their NPO programme, Suffolk libraries share their plans
John Garland reports progress with the Single Sign On project
Sue Williamson looks forward to her new role, and writes about the Arts Council's National Portfolio, and the new library NPOs
The new CILIP definition, and how it works in practice, in libraries
Subnum Hariff-Khan writes about the new sensory room on Oldham library
Liam Garnett shares stories from frontline staff in Leeds community libraries
Claire Duffield shares examples of how poetry is celebrated in Leeds libraries
Reporting on the 19th meeting - in Sheffield central library
The team from Essex libraries write about the new family space in Chelmsford libraries - they love it, and so do visitors: “My two year old loves it and didn’t want to leave”