Blandford Library – Connecting a community

Blandford Library in Dorset is a hub for the whole community, and much more than simply a place to borrow books.
Blandford Library in Dorset is a hub for the whole community, and much more than simply a place to borrow books.
How to run your own Makefest from the team behind Liverpool Makefest
The Friends Group in Belsize library have been forging links with local tech companies, who help older people in the community get to grips with digital devices.
Mark Sutcliffe, Digital, Information and Learning Librarian for Oxfordshire libraries writes about their plans for using the HP Sprout device, and their VR day
Coding for adults is a growing area for libraries - and Liam Cookson writes about the Codeup branch he set up in Storyhouse, Chester.
Jason Tutin describes how Leeds libraries is leading the initiative: 100% Digital Leeds
Conference in November will share research on how to offer makerspace activities for young children in libraries
Details of the winning project developed by the team in High Wycombe library - which encourages and supports library visitors to use travel apps to save money on transport
An update on East Sussex libraries LOFE programme
Nominet would like to see their free guides made available to small businesses - and see libraries as a good route to reach them